Anyone Can Get On The Bus (2019)

I shot PVTA 38 route on 16 mm film and drew over each frame to add the animation. I layered sound from my bus ride, my train of thought when I’m alone, and my friends and I talking while we painted a flag for a protest. This film aims to create an immersive experience of a bus ride and a passenger’s generative train of thought.

Skelly Phenakistoscope (2019)

Traditionally, one sticks a pen or pencil into the center circle of a phenakiscoscope, spins it, and places one’s eye in front of the small rectangular open slats in front of a mirror to view the moving image. I drew this with black pen and animated photos of it digitally.

Your Very Flesh Shall Be A Great Poem (2019)

This piece is the first thing I shot on film. The clay body is being wittled away as I use its mass to form the words from Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass: “your very flesh shall be a great poem.” In the background is Mount Holyoke’s chapel and library.

Do You Wonder Where I Live? (2019)

This was a quick one with markers and a downshooter.

Fuck You If You Don’t Like Christmas (2018)

It was really fun to design this setting and these characters and set it to a portion of this song by the inimitable Crudbump. This is a project to which I still want to return and add more.

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Thanks for scrolling all the way to the bottom *^_^*

I work with disabled children in NYC as a research assistant studying brain injuries. The work on this website is from college for now, but I’m looking forward to adding to it. In addition to what’s shown here, I wrote the background stories for Galactic Era, an epic science fiction board game that made $40,347 on Kickstarter. See my stories at by choosing “game” on the homepage menu and clicking on the drop down list under “background”. Follow me on Instagram @gracegc.n3t to see current work & projects.